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Results 11-20 of 25 (Search time: 0.018 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008-10Efficiency evaluation in modelling stock data using arch and bilinear modelsWagala, Adolphus
2008-09Maize supply response in Kenya: A farm-level analysisOlwande, John Otieno
2008-10A knifeless rite: Influence of selected characteristics on the Marakwet of Kenya’s perception of the counselling-based alternative rite of passage and levels of awareness of effects of FGMKiptiony, Gladys Jerobon
2008-04The influence of soil water content and nitrogen supply on growth, yield and polyphenol content of selected tea [Camellia sinensis (l.) O. Kuntze] clones in KenyaCheruiyot, Erick Kimutai
2008-06Influence of teachers’ perceptions and competences on students’ achievement and perceptions in environmental education in secondary school biology in Gilgil Division Nakuru District, KenyaKiarie, Simon M.
2008-12The role of career guidance and counselling in career awareness and planning among public secondary school students in KenyaNdung’u, Owen Ngumi
2008-10Purification and structure determination of mosquito Larvicidal compounds from the Basidiomycete jo5182Kendagor, Ann Cherono
2008-09Purification and chemical characterisation of larvicidal compound (s) of extracts prepared from submerged cultures of basidiomycetes against Aedes aegyptiOsunga, Salome Acholla
2008-12Selected factors affecting girls’ participation in primary school education in Barwessa Division of Baringo District, KenyaKipkulei, Benjamin Chemng’as
2008-01Tea flavonoids and their effect on chronic inflammation induced in Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected miceMbuthia, Stephen Karori