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Results 31-40 of 146 (Search time: 0.033 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-02Morphological and genetic characterization of bambara groundnut (vigna subterranea (l.) verdc.) landraces in KenyaOdongo, Forrester Oluoch
2018-03Modeling associations between intensification interventions and sustainability in smallholder dairy farms in the Kenyan highlandsAgutu, Fredrick Odiwuor
2018-05The effects of selected factors on the choice of capital structure of small and medium enterprises (SMES) in Kiambu County, KenyaNjenga, Bernard K.
2018-04Characterization of Egerton University wastewater stabilization ponds and assessment of substrate size efficiency in reduction of faecal pollutants in a constructed wetland mesocosmLukhabi, Dorothy Khasisi
2018-11Combining abilities and heterosis for ethanol related traits in sweet sorghum (sorghum bicolor l.)Oyier, Moses Owuor
2018-11Assessment of responses to virus infections, beta-carotene, zinc and iron in orange fleshed sweet potato (ipomoea batatas, lam).Kiarie, Samuel Mwaura
2018-11Articulation and phonological impairments in the speech of second language learners in school with cerebral palsy: a case of st martins’ deporre’s primaryschool,primary Kisumu CountyMolenje, Victor Makuto
2018-09Determination of antibacterial activity of extracts from markhamia lutea, zanthoxylum gilletii and their endophytes against common bean bacterial pathogensWanga, Lucy Aketch
2018-10Assessment of diversity of blackberry (rubus l. subgenus rubus watson) accessions in Kenya using morphological and ssr markersOchieng’, Jared Alfred
2018-11Development of an improved isocratic hplc method for the determination of gallic acid, caffeine and catechins in teaKingori, Mwangi Simon