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Results 51-60 of 831 (Search time: 0.025 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010-08The effectiveness of agricultural shows and agro-dealers in enhancing dissemination and adoption of the “push pull” technology among smallholder farmers in Western KenyaMaina, Stephen Wambugu
2013-03Effects of advance organizers on students’ achievement, perception and attitude towards the learning of narratives in literature in English in secondary schools in Kilifi District, KenyaMshenga, Rachel
2012-10Effectiveness of communication systems and indigenous knowledge in adaptation to climate change by smallholder farmers of Kilifi District, KenyaAchiando, Grace A.
2013-12Effects of cooperative mastery learning approach on secondary school students’ motivation and achievement in chemistry in Bomet County, KenyaKeter, John Kiprotich
2013-04Effects of jigsaw cooperative learning strategy on students’ achievement in secondary school mathematics in Laikipia East District, Kenya.Mbacho, Naomi Watetu
2011-03Effects of science process skills mastery learning approach on secondary school students’ achievement and acquisition of selected chemistry practical skills in Koibatek District schools, KenyaChebii, Roselyn j.
2010-07Evaluation of Trans esterified waste vegetable oil for use as biodiesel fuelOpondo, Raphael Nyayieka
2013-05Evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies and their effect on food production among smallholder farmers in Bungoma County, KenyaOloo, George Idi
2010-08Evaluation of the performance of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis as test organisms for assay of tetracyclines and beta-lactams in chicken meatWachira, Mwangi William
2011-06Impact of chloroquine drug withdrawal on resistance of local Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites to the drug in Tiwi and Mbita Towns of KenyaMang’era, Clarence Maikuri