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Title: Attitudes of learners with disabilities and their parents towards education in Nakuru district
Authors: Mokeira, Mary Adogo
Keywords: Disabilities -- Education
Issue Date: May-2006
Publisher: Egerton University
Abstract: Learners with disabilities face numerous social, psychological and physical challenges in accessing educational opportunities and developing their full potentials in order to attain better academic achievements. One of the major challenges has been the attitude of these children towards their own education. This study seeks to evaluate the attitude of the learners with disabilities and their parents towards education in Nakuru district, Kenya. This study will adopt an ex post facto research design. The target population for this study will include all 524 learners with disabilities, their parents and the head teachers in the 27 learning institutions/schools for learners with disabilities. A sample of 303 respondents which includes 222 learners, 27 head teachers and 54 parents will be used in this study. Primary data will be collected through administration of three sets of structured questionnaires, including learners, parents and head teacher, with the selected respondents. Secondary data will also be collected from documented information to supplement primary data. Data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of a computer programme: Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study will hopefully help in providing information that can be useful in changing the attitudes of parents and their learners with disabilities, and facilitating access to education by those concerned including the Ministry of Education, administrators of the special institutions, learners, parents and the entire society.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education and Community Studies

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