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Results 11-20 of 175 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-07Adoption of assisted reproductive technologies and Sahiwal cattle breed and their impact on household farm income in Narok and Kajiado counties of KenyaKhainga, Dickson Nangabo
2015-03An assessment of climate change coping strategies that influence vegetation distribution within communities in Kaloleni Sub-County, KenyaOsio, Anne Achieng
2015-10Carbon stocks and cover change in the mangrove forest of Mtwapa creek, KenyaKiplangat, John
2015-11Characterization of climate variability and the associated adaptive strategies by smallholder farmers in Senetwo Location, west Pokot County, KenyaYaluk, Elly Arukulem
2015-04Factors determining women’s participation in the management of co-operative societies in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru CountyLugaga, Xavier Okado
2015-12Factors motivating women’s participation in contract sugarcane farming in Mumias Sub-County, Kakamega County, KenyaOyiengo, Ambani Aggrey
2015-10Effect of credit risk management procedures on financial performance among microfinance institutions (MFIS) in Kenya: A case of MFIS in Nairobi CountyKiawa, Eunice Mwikali
2015-11Determinants of quality assessment of Kenya certificate of secondary education agriculture projects in selected secondary schools of Kakamega County, KenyaManyali, John Wesonga
2015-11The relationship between job satisfaction, organizational commitment and retention of public secondary school teachers in Nairobi County; KenyaWambugu, Teresa Wangui
2015-10The role of guidance and counseling in enhancing student discipline in public secondary schools in Koibatek Sub-county, Baringo County, KenyaSalgong, Victor Kipkemboi