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Results 1-10 of 95 (Search time: 0.019 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-01Stem rust (puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici) resistance and stability analyses for grain yield in wheat (triticum aestivum l.)Gitonga, Hellen Wairimu
2017-05Evaluation of Hygienic Practices and Establishment of Critical Control Points and Raw Milk Quality in the Smallholder Supply Chain of Nakuru and Nyandarua County, KenyaNdungu, Teresiah Wangui
2017-05Perceptions of agriculture teachers toward integration of selected climate change topics into secondary school agriculture syllabus in Machakos County, KenyaMutiso, Stephen Kyalo
2017-05Assessing Farm Level Practices Affecting Milk Production, Quality And Postharvest Losses In Smallholder Dairy And Pastoral Camel Herds Of KenyaKashongwe, Basole Olivier
2017-05Assessment of factors affecting Isiolo County community wildlife conservancy with reference to ecotourism development in KenyaAde, Abduba Dida
2017-03Assessment of water quality and the use of sanitary surveys in identifying water source risk factors in Kisii CountyMisati, Aaron Gichaba
2017-07Isolation of antifungal secondary metabolites from Phytolloca dodecandra, Basella alba and Lippia javanica against maize fungal pathogensYegon, Kipkirui Philemon
2017-05Assessment of demand for dairy cow feeds and market participation decision of small-scale farmers in Kiambu CountyNjogu, Josephine Wandaho
2017-01Determinants of loan default by savings and credit co-operative societies’ members in Baringo County, KenyaMitei, Allan
2017-05Effect of agricultural land rental market participation on agricultural income of small scale farmers in Kwale County, KenyaMbudzya, Joseph Jabu