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Results 31-40 of 95 (Search time: 0.023 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-04Role of university education in fostering national values among the youth in private and public Universities in KenyaSindabi, Oliver Magellan
2017-05Human dietary exposure to heavy metals through consumption of fish in Nakuru town, KenyaEsilaba, Felly Atolwa
2017-04Suitability of on-farm formulated feeds and pond characteristics for Nile tilapia production in semi-intensive culture in selected farms of Rift valley region, KenyaMuteti, Martha Kaingi
2017-04Strategic factors affecting compliance with the Sacco act of 2008 by deposit taking savings and credit cooperatives in Nairobi CountyOchieng, Victor Omolo
2017-04Oxidative stability of selected vegetable oils after deep frying in different types of foods in KenyaChebet, Josphine
2017-05The prevalence of Brucella abortus and mycotoxin contamination of animal feeds and implications on milk safety in rural and peri-urban small-holder dairy systems in Nakuru County, KenyaMakau, Caroline Mwende
2017-04Teachers’ perceptions on effectiveness of the KCSE biology practical assessment approach in testing science process skills in secondary schools in Siaya County, KenyaOuko, Francis O.
2017-11Response to effects of climate variability and willingness to pay for insurance by smallholder farmers in Laikipia West Sub-County, KenyaAtsiaya, Godfrey Obwina
2017-05Teachers’ perceptions of the effects of principals’ managerial competencies on the adoption of strategic management in public secondary schools in Baringo County, KenyaMoindi, Richard
2017-11Selected factors influencing sustainability of cereal banks among maize farmer groups in Kimilili Sub-County, KenyaKataka, Everlyne