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Results 41-50 of 95 (Search time: 0.027 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-11Economic cost evaluation of selected vegetable post-harvest losses in Babati District TanzaniaMtui, Maria Aloyce
2017-05Effects of financial literacy on personal financial decisions among Egerton University employees, Nakuru county, KenyaMwathi, Anne Wangeci
2017-11Effects of extrusion processing on the physic-chemical and nutritional characteristics of fish feeds containing Acheta domesticus and Hermetia illucens mealsIrungu, Francis
2017-11Influence of selected determinants of strategy implementation on performance of parastatals in the energy sector in KenyaMwamuye, Shadrack Chando
2017-04The applicability of textual disclosures and selected bankruptcy prediction models in assessing the going concern risk of listed firms in KenyaMacharia, Monicah Njambi
2017-07Stakeholder’s perceptions of influence of community policing on criminal activities in low income areas of Nakuru Town, KenyaOgutu, Kennedy Obumba
2017-10A comparative study on factors influencing Kenya Certificate of Primary Education performance in public and private schools in Kaptagat Ward, Uasingishu CountyRono, David Kandie
2017-10Effect of cognitive behavioural therapy on clinical depression, art adherence and HIV stigma among HIV-infected outpatients in Uasin-gishu County, KenyaAdina, Japheth Owuor
2017-10Selected factors influencing degree choice and placement. A comparative study of regular and self-sponsored students in Kenyan public universities, KenyaGacohi, Jane Njeri
2017-11Effect of ICT use on performance of Agri-enterprises. A case of smallholder pineapple farmers in Kiambu County, KenyaOkello, Dickson Otieno