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Results 11-20 of 31 (Search time: 0.023 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-06Determination of predator ultrasound parameters and acoustic startle response in the African female Anopheles gambiae s.s.Mang’are, Philip Amuyunzu
2012-05Determination of benzo[a]pyrene levels and establishment of limit of detection in smoked and oil fried Lates niloticusMuyela, Bramuel
2012-12Development and phenotypic characterization of wheat germplasm resistant to Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia kurdjumov) and stem rust (Puccinia graminis pers. f.sp. tritici) race ‘pgtug99’ in KenyaOniang’o, Amulaka Fredrick
2012-12David Hume’s theory of knowledge and its relevance to education in Kenya’s secondary schools with reference to Baringo central district, KenyaChepchieng, Samuel Kusetei
2012-08Distribution, isolation and characterization of bacteria with industrial potential in Lake Nakuru, KenyaMusikoyo, Eddison Opiyo
2012-08Effect of extracts from selected Aloe plant species on the Anopheles gambiae, Sensu stricto and Aedes aegypti mosquitoesChore, Judith Kavulani
2012-10Effectiveness of communication systems and indigenous knowledge in adaptation to climate change by smallholder farmers of Kilifi District, KenyaAchiando, Grace A.
2012-08Impact of farmer groups on crop enterprise productivity and economic welfare of smallholder farmers in South Kivu territories, Democratic Republic of CongoOchieng’, Dennish Otieno
2012-04The extension needs of households utilizing riverine wetlands and their contribution to food security in Nyamira Division, KenyaMecha, Ginn Abere
2012-09Influence of selected factors on pupils' access to primary education in Masimba Division, Kisii County, Kenya.Omae, Nelson Siocha