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Results 11-20 of 146 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-05Assessing information sharing strategies to address milk losses among dairy farmers in per-urban Bamako, MaliThiam, Sidibe M’baye
2018-03Effect of net mesh size, exposure duration and net positioning on macro invertebrate drift densities in the Njoro River, KenyaMureithi, Priscilla Wangari
2018-02Effect of electoral information communication technologies on employees performance: A case of independent electoral and boundaries commission in Nairobi County, KenyaMolu, Peter Ibrae
2018-01Effects of legume intercrops and mineral nitrogen on nutrient uptake and yield of maize (Zea mays l.) in MalawiMalunga, Innocent
2018-03Estimating enteric methane emissions from smallholder dairy cows under seasonal and agro-ecological variations in feed digestibility in KenyaNdung’u, Phyllis Wanjugu
2018-05Effects of NPK fertilizer and fungicide application rates on the performance and management of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in irish potatoes (Solanum tuberosuml)Mosota, Rosana Eric
2018-01Effect of NPK compound fertilizer on cassava (Manihot esculenta crantz) yield in ultisols of Sikasso, MaliMacalou, Salouma
2018-03Exhaust gases energy recoverable from compression ignition engine using diesel and biodieselOrido., George Onyango
2018-04Molecular identification and drug sensitivity of African trypanosome tabulates from livestock in Lamu County, KenyaGathogo, Miriam Wamuu-Ini
2018-05Microbiological water quality of water pans in relation to prevalence of water related diseases in Central and South Baringo, KenyaKurui, Edith Jepchirchir