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Results 101-110 of 146 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-11Investigation of the effect of long term exposure of magnetic field on the elemental composition and chlorophyll concentration in spinach beet (beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris)Biketi, Samuel
2018-09Effects of forest fragmentation on forest cover change, tree species diversity and carbon stock in Taita hills, KenyaChemuku, Wekesa
2018-11Effect of hot water and calcium chloride treatment on the shelf-life of 'Keitt' mangoes and 'Cavendish' bananas from MozambiqueDovel, Branquinho Ernesto
2018-11Evaluation of wheat-sorghum-chickpea composite bread for physical, nutritional and sensory qualityMariera, Lucy N.
2018-02Economic losses and ex-post response to foot and mouth disease outbreak among smallholder beef producers in Northeast District, BotswanaMasole, Charity
2018-10Assessment and molecular characterization of bacterial degraders of hexazinone and 2,4-d herbicides from sugarcane cultivated soils in Nzoia company nucleus estates, KenyaNjue, Reuben Mukundi
2018-07Business models for linking smallholder farmers to markets. The case of banana producers in Meru County, KenyaAgeyo, Collins Odhiambo
2018-10Effect of subsidized secondary education policy on enrollment, retention and quality of education in public secondary schools of Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru County, KenyaAwuor, Cynthia Benta
2018-05Determination of Cyanobacterial toxins in Lake Naivasha, KenyaNyangoya, Douglas Nyachiro
2018-11Effects of strategic leadership on strategic change in paper and manufacturing firms in Kenya boardWanjala, Johnstone Khakame