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Results 121-130 of 146 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-08Selected factors influencing cotton production among smallholder farmers in Bura irrigation and settlement scheme, KenyaOpee, Paul Otieno
2018-08Social, cultural and economic causes of secondary schoolgirls pregnancies implication for counselling in Pokot South Sub County of West Pokot County, Kenya.Waraga, Theresia Njeri
2018-02Response of agricultural exports to fluctuation in exchange rate in Rwanda. Case of coffee and tea between years 2001-2016Muhire, Renovat
2018-11Teachers’ and students’ perceptions on the influence of selected factors on performance of students in Kiswahili language at KCSE in secondary schools in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County, KenyaNjoroge, Fredrick K.
2018-11Environmental and socio-economic impacts of artisanal gold mining on agricultural production in Sikasso region, MaliKeita, Mahamadou Moussa
2018-12Effectiveness of soil moisture conservation techniques in sorghum under spate irrigation in Ewaso Nyiro south drainage basinKilongosi, Celestine Mbeke
2018-11Reward management strategies on employee performance in selected universities in Nakuru County, KenyaKathombe, Mary Wambui
2018-04Molecular identification and drug sensitivity of African trypanosome stabilates from livestock in Lamu County, KenyaGathogo, Miriam Wamuu-Ini
2018-05The effects of selected factors on the choice of capital structure of small and medium enterprises (smes) in Kiambu County, KenyaNjenga, Bernard K.
2018-11Influence of dairy business models on economic performance and efficiency of smallholder dairy farmers in Nyandarua and Nandi countiesMurage, Pauline Wanjiru