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Results 101-110 of 116 (Search time: 0.025 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-04Reproductive Performance and Genetic Response to Selection of Dairy Goats in Kenya Following Incorporation of Reproductive Technologies and Genomic SelectionGore, Dominic L. M.
2021-04Reduction of Anti-Nutritive Compounds in Ground Mature Prosopis Juliflora Pods in Rabbit Diets using Fermentation TechnologyWaitituh, Jane Atieno Odero-
2021-05Performance and Simulations of Small-Scale Solid Waste Incinerators at Njokerio, Ng’ondu and Green Valley Areas in Njoro, KenyaNyoti, Stephen G. Mugo
2020-08Students’ Academic Interaction, Self-Esteem and Achievement Relationships in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, KenyaAddero, Wilson Ogot
2021-05Prevalence, Molecular Characterization and Risk Factors Associated With Intestinal Parasites among School Going Children from Informal Settlements of Nakuru Town, KenyaChege, Naomi Mumbi
2021-05Assessment of Greenhouse Gases Emission in Smallholder Rice Paddies Converted from Anyiko Wetland, Western KenyaOwino, Christine Nyagaya
2020-03Quality Characteristics of Fruit Jams and Marmalades Containing Gum Arabic Fromacacia Senegal Var. KerensisImbahale, Ruth Kavaya
2021-04Post Conflict Socio-Economic Livelihood Strategies and Their Effects on Integration A Case of Resettled Persons in Rongai Location, Nakuru CountyMucheru, Elizabeth Wachu
2021-05Rates of Genetic Gain for Alternative Indigenous ChickenNdung’u, Catherine Wanjiru
2021-05Probing Underlying Intentional Non-Compliance Behaviours in Informal Milk Trading in Peri –Urban Areas of Nakuru Town, KenyaKihiu, Mercy Wairimu