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Results 1-10 of 25 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008-10Analysis of catchment hydrologic response under changing land use The case of upper Molo river catchment, KenyaKirui, Wesley K
2008-08Analysis of total Hla-G Levels and its isoforms in placental malariaMuriira, Geoffrey Karau
2008-10Breeding goals for production systems utilizing indigenous chicken in KenyaMenge, Enock Ondeyo
2008-10Chemical compositions and Antimicrobial activity of Amaranthus hybridus, Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthus spinosus and Corriandrum sativum.Maiyo, Zipporah Chelagat
2008-06Economic analysis of indigenous small ruminant breeds in the pastoral system: a case of sheep and goats in Marsabit District, KenyaOmondi, Immaculate Akinyi
2008-05Effects of conventional and conservation tillage on selected soil physical properties and water movement in a vitric andosol in KenyaNgetich, Kipchirchir Felix
2008-11The effects of HIV/Aids on the social, economic and psychological status of infected women in Nakuru MunicipalityMogire, Grace Nyaera
2008-09Effects of mineral acids on absorption signals of metal analytes in water by atomic absorption spectroscopyTana, Musungu Josephat Benjamin
2008-09Effects of nitrogen levels and plant populations on growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum l.) under dryland conditions in KenyaKamithi, David Kuria
2008-10Induced proteins profile in the haemolymph of desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) following a trypanosomatid flagellate (Trypanosoma brucei brucei) challengeNjagi, Julia Wawira