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Results 1-10 of 27 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009-07Analysis of production efficiency in Irish potato production in Kenya The case of Nyandarua North DistrictNyagaka, Daniel Orina
2009-11Analysis of the constraints and effects of value addition in honey among producers in Baringo District, KenyaBerem, Risper Maccs
2009-06Analysis of Tsetse Fly (Diptera: Glossinidae) blood meals using mitochondrial cytochrome genes for vertebrate host identificationNgambi, Catherine Nyawira
2009-09Analytical determination of the effects of phosphatic fertilizers and manure on maize yields in acidic soils in Kisii and Rachuonyo districts.Ademba, Sospeter Jacob
2009-10An assesment of wetland influence on water quality of river Mereronyi, Kenya.Adhiambo, Susan Clare
2009-09A comparative analysis of the structure and performance of Agricultural science and Technology policy system in Kenya and UgandaGodiah, Lawrence Mugunieri
2009-11Development of a quality index method (qim) scheme to evaluate freshness of ice stored Lake Victoria Nile perch (Lates niloticus)Okeyo, George Otrien
2009-01Domestic violence and its influence on pupils’ academic performance and school participation: a case study of Kiandutu slum – Thika Municipality, KenyaKanuri, Marion C.
2009-06Effect of selected soybean accessions on germination and attachment of Striga hermonthica on maizeOdhiambo, Judith Achieng’
2009-10Effect of credit on household welfare: The case of “village bank” model in Bomet District, KenyaLangat, Jackson Kipngetich