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Results 1-10 of 129 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-05Influence of occupational exposure to white board marker ink on symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis among secondary school teachers in Nakuru County, KenyaMuchemi, Sabina Muthoni
2019-05Effect of group composition and formalization on the financial performance of investment groups in Nakuru.Kirui, Rose
2019-04Determinants of pesticide use and uptake of alternative pest control methods among small scale tomato farmers in Nakuru County, KenyaKinuthia, Catherine Wambui
2019-04Characteristics, disposal methods and management of plastic waste in Watamu, Kilifi County, KenyaGwada, Brenda C.
2019-04Effect of financial skills on loan repayment: a case of micro and small enterprises in Elgeyo Marakwet County, KenyaKiptum, Amos Kipruto
2019-03Bioefficacy of lion’s ear (leonotis nepetifolia) and african basil (ocimum gratissimum) extracts against two-spotted spider mite (tetranychus urticae) on french beans (phaseolus vulgaris l)Ogayo, Kennedy Obuya
2019-02Effect of prosopis juliflora pods-based diets on the performance and carcass quality of improved growing indigenous chicken in KenyaWanjohi, Duncan Maina
2019-04A comparative study of availability of e-learning resources and pupils’ performance in selected primary schools in Kisumu central and Muhoroni sub Counties, KenyaMaloba, James Onyango
2019-03Assessment of water and sanitation accessibility and prevalence of water-related diseases in Baringo County, KenyaOsiemo, Mercy M.
2019-04Bayesian predictive analyses for non-homogeneous poisson process in software reliability with Musa-okumoto intensity functionCheruiyot, Nickson