Rainfall variability affects agricultural output which in turn affects farmers‟ farm income. Some smallholders farmers in Lare Division have been using agricultural water technologies namely water harvesting, water storage and irrigation in order to boost their farm income. However, it is not clear whether the agricultural water technologies have influenced farm income of smallholder farmers in the Division as scant literature exists. This study sought to investigate the influence of water technologies on smallholder farmers‟ farm income. Ex-post facto correlation research design was used. From a target population of 3,605 households, 114 users of agricultural water technologies were first purposely and then randomly selected for the study. A researcher administered questionnaire was used for data collection. The data collecting tool was pilot tested on 30 farmers in Elementaita Division and yielded Cronbach‟s alpha reliability coefficient of α = 0.825. Statistical Package for Social Science‟s (SPSS) was used to analyze data. Frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations of descriptive statistics were used to describe the farmers‟ demographic characteristics. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the influence of agricultural water technologies on smallholder farm income. Agricultural water harvesting and storage technologies were found to have statistically significant influence on farm income p = 0.002, R2 = 0.739 and p = 0.030, R2 = 0.595 respectively, but irrigation technology had statistically insignificant influence on farm income. Inadequate capacities of water storage structures, water loss and insecurity posed by water pans were constraints in use of water storage technologies. Small holder farmers in Lare require empowerment in terms of general education, involvement in farmers‟ groups, use of water table recharging technology and use of efficient irrigation methods. The farmers also need sensitation on use of water use efficient irrigation methods. Study findings will inform researchers, extension service providers, policy makers and development agencies when designing interventions meant to boost smallholder farmers‟ water technologies usage hence their farm income.