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Title: Adoption of agroforestry technologies among small scale farmers in Nzoia location, Lugari district, Kenya
Authors: Wafuke, Soita
Keywords: Agroforestry Technologies -- Small Scale Farmers
Issue Date: Sep-2012
Publisher: Egerton University
Abstract: In rural Kenya, wood remains important for both construction and fuel wood. Since most rural people in high potential areas experience deficit in fuel wood and other wood products, there is need to increase production through employment of on-farm production technologies that ensure sufficient supply. Adoption of Agro forestry technologies in rural Kenya has been promoted by both the government and NGOS in order to achieve wood sufficiency. However the adoption of Agro forestry technologies by small scale farmers has been low leading to persistence of wood fuel deficit. The purpose of this study therefore was to investigate social-economic and cultural factors that influence adoption of Agro forestry technologies among small scale farmers. The study employed an ex-post-facto survey design, involving data collection on what already exist and not designed by the researcher. The study was contacted in Nzoia location, Lugari district. A sample of 201 small scale farmers who were selected using stratified proportionate random sampling in the location was used in the study. Data analysis was done using SPSS and to achieve the study objectives, descriptive, correlation and regression analysis were used. The study found out that farm size, sex (gender), land tenure, and farm preparation methods influences adoption of Agro forestry technologies in the study area but traditional believes and taboos do not. It was also found out that most small scale farmers were motivated to adopt these technologies by the many uses of trees and scrubs they plant on their farms. Though farmers’ interaction with the extension staff was low, the adoption rate was significant and so this study recommends that extension services to encourage more small scale farmers adopt these technologies be intensified.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Environment and Resource Development

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