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Results 21-30 of 175 (Search time: 0.027 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-05Effect of media convergence on brand growth in Kenya: a case of selected medium enterprises in Nairobi County, KenyaKiprop, Eric Kibos
2015-10Impediments to women’s participation in socio-economic activities in Dadaab Sub-County of Garissa County, KenyaNthiana, Theresiah Munyaanyi
2015-10Efficacy of Leonotis nepetifolia l. and Ocimum gratissimum l. extracts in controlling ascochyta blight (Phoma exigua) of french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris l.)Ochola, Sylvans Ochieng
2015-12Impact of agricultural exports on economic growth in Ethiopia: The case of coffee, oil seed and pulsesTigist, Yifru
2015-08Effects of collaborative concept mapping teaching approach on secondary school students’ achievement and motivation to learn biology in Nakuru North Sub-County, Kenya.Githae, Rahab Wamucii
2015-09Agricultural land use and its implications on household food security in Kisii Central Sub-County, KenyaKumba, Janepha Kemunto
2015-08Assessment of environmental risk factors exposed to children below five years of age in Naivasha day care centresKitheka, Anna Ndinda
2015-10Characterization of aflatoxins and toxigenic aspergillus in maize and soil from the eastern region of KenyaSalano, Nyangweso Elsie
2015-09An assessment of the application of statistical quality control in the provision of quality of services: A case of Kenya Power LTD, Nakuru Sub-RegionOdongo, George Yogo
2015-03Effects of alternative rite of passage on girls’ education among the Keiyo community of Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya.Gitagno, Julieth F.