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Results 31-40 of 50 (Search time: 0.03 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-07Effect of Selected Firm Specific Factors on Financial Performance of Real Estate Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange in KenyaMootian, Ann Wachuka
2020-06Investigation of antioxidant compounds from the berries of teclea simplicifolia (engl.) i. verd. and ziziphus mucronata willd.Abdul, Parkar Fasahat
2020-06Molecular products, thermal emissions, and radical kinetics from the thermal degradation of croton megalocarpus biodiesel and binary transport fuelsChelangat, Mosonik Bornes
2020-07Transforming masculinities in the context of emerging family crisis: the case of selected faith-based organisations in Nakuru CountyNduati, Samwel Kiuguini
2020-07Optimization of tomato water productivity under deficit sub-surface drip irrigation and mulching systemsSang, Hellen Jerotich
2020-07The debt restructuring strategies and the level of non-performing loans in microfinance institutions in Nairobi CountyMutuku, Stephen Mumina
2020-06Optimizing dairy cattle breeding systems by incorporating reproductive technologies, protein yield and resistance to mastitisBarasa, Caleb Sagwa
2020-06Reproductive inhibition effects of azadirachta indica a. juss and ricinus communis linn. Seed oils in albino female miceKiplagat, Ann Jepkorir
2020-09African Inland Mission and Social Transformation in Machakos District, Kenya, 1895-1971Musyoki, A. Muia
2020-07An Assessment of Strategies to Sustain Beneficiaries’ Livelihoods by Adventist Centre at Kibagare Slum, Nairobi, County, KenyaOngere, Isabella