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Title: The effect of teacher characteristics on information and communication technology (ICT) integration in public secondary schools in Nakuru Town Sub-county, Kenya
Authors: Namodi, Modestus Oseebe
Keywords: Teacher characteristics -- Information and communication technology (ICT) integration
Issue Date: May-2015
Publisher: Egerton University
Abstract: This study sought to examine the effect of teacher characteristics on ICT integration in public secondary schools in Nakuru Town Sub-county, Kenya. The objectives of the study were: To establish the effect of teacher educational beliefs on ICT integration; to establish the effect of self-efficacy on ICT integration; to establish the effect of attitude on ICT integration; to establish the effect of motivation on ICT integration; and to establish the overall effect of teacher characteristics on ICT integration. Primary data for this study was collected using structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was self-administered. The data was analyzed quantitatively. Biographic data on the respondents was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages. The relationship between teacher characteristics and ICT integration was tested statistically using Pearson Moments Correlation. Relationships between teacher characteristics and ICT integration in public secondary schools was determined at the alpha level of p<0.05. Inferential statistics was used. To describe the various elements of teacher characteristics on overall ICT integration, descriptive analysis (percentages) was done. The data was analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program (version 20.0). Data was presented using tables. Purposive sampling design was used in the study where one Head teacher, one Head of ICT Department and one ICT teacher were purposively sampled from each of the 22 public secondary schools yielding a sample size of 66 teachers. The study is beneficial to policy makers when developing teacher programs; it also helps teachers to see that intervention programs can influence their instructional behaviours. The study also provides evidence to researchers that teacher beliefs can be challenged. The study thus recommends that policymakers should incorporate the actual use of ICT when developing teacher programs. Considering the influence of the teacher characteristics on classroom use of ICT, professional teacher development should be aware of the direct impact of these variables, especially the role of teacher ICT motivation.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Commerce

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